Archive for June, 2010

TP: OK GOP Gov. Candidate: BP’s Spill Proves Government Should ‘Never Be Involved In The Private Sector’

Wednesday, June 23rd, 2010

Consider this pal:
No one from private sector
In the government

[Originally appeared June 23, 2010 at]

TP: Orrin Hatch, who co-sponsored individual mandate bill in 1993, introduces measure to declare it unconstitutional

Thursday, June 17th, 2010

Fog of mystery
Shrouds the Republican plan,
Feeds epiphyte Hatch

[Originally appeared June 17, 2010 at]

TP: ‘Dean’ Of Nevada Press Corps Slams Fox And Friends’ ‘Softball’ Interview With Sharron Angle

Monday, June 14th, 2010

Okay, here’s the plan:
Demonize the government,
Then privatize it…

[Originally appeared June 14, 2010 at]

TP: Rep. Broun says clean energy legislation will cause southerners to die from hyperthermia

Monday, June 14th, 2010

Me doctor speak good
Shake fist and drill hole in skull
Yankees stay away!

[Originally appeared June 14 at]

TP: Rep. Broun says clean energy legislation will cause southerners to die from hyperthermia

Monday, June 14th, 2010

Me doctor speak good
Shake fist and drill hole in skull
Yankees stay away!

[Originally appeared June 14, 2010 at]

TP: Despite the devastation BP has caused, about a third of conservatives view the oil giant favorably.

Monday, June 7th, 2010

Conservative plea:
“Please stop picking on the rich!
They’re here to guide us…”

[Originally appeared June 7, 2010 at]

TP: Boehner Defends Bush, Demands That Paul McCartney ‘Apologize’ For His Crack At The Former President

Friday, June 4th, 2010

“Well now you all know:
Sniff and cry myself to sleep,
Mesolithic dreams”

[Originally appeared June 4, 2010 at]